Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rogers will charge 15 cents for incoming text messages

Rogers Wireless said this Tuesday that they will charge their customers 15 cents for each incoming text message. They only way to avoid those charges, is to buy Roger’s text messaging plan which can cost you from $7 to $20 additional dollars per month. Rogers didn’t justify why they are going to charge for incoming text messages, so in my opinion it is just another way to get more money from its customers who already pay $40-$80 dollars per month. In many countries it is illegal for companies to charge money for incoming calls and messages, but here in Canada we a getting robbed and nobody cares about it.

Canada is far behind many countries when we compare telecommunication; however we pay one of the highest bills in the world for our cell phones. For company it costs almost nothing when message is received or send, so there are no way those charges can be justified. Another funny thing Rogers Wireless said is that we are not going to be charged for spam messages. However you have to call them every time you receive the spam message. If you ever tried to contact Rogers via phone, than you know that it takes forever until you are connected to a live person. So in most cases you will be charged for spam messages too.

If you have any opinions about this Roger’s move please don’t hesitate to post your comments below. If we get enough comments than maybe we can send the link to this blog, to Rogers so that they can read what people think about them.


  1. Is that really a surprise? They aren't even hiding the fact it's a cash grab. They just want to increase their already high wages, while most people losing their jobs.

  2. I've heard that they are charging 15 cents per message because Bell is also going to start charging. Obviously all the phone companies will probably follow suit in this because as a phone company, if you don't - you will be losing out on a lot of potential profit.

    I agree that here in Canada we have really crap ass plans, but is this due to the fact that we don't have companies that are actually competing for customers? How is it that in the states, they can have free evenings and weekends (including long distance within the continental US) and we can't? Why are we still paying for caller ID and voicemail? We're getting ripped off and it seems like you won't be able to do anything about it unless you stop using a cell phone or some bigger and better phone companies come in and blow all of our current cell phone companies out of the water. :S

  3. I wonder if we can get some money off the cancelation fee because of this

  4. Yes we defenetly should get our contracts cancelled for free, because I didn't see in their term of use something like " I will pay for any charges Rogers wants me to pay". Because soon they may charge us for using mp3 player on our cellphones lol

  5. Are they going to charge us for using bluetooth too?

  6. Rogers is to Canada what Hitler was to Germany. but different

  7. I am really piss off about Rogers. The old Rogers is gone. the younger Rogers is even worse.

  8. Thats just ridiculous!!! We are already paying so much for our phone plans and now Rogers has to charge us even more!!! I was debating whether to change phone companies, but now that there will be additional charges, I think I'm going to do just that! Forget Rogers! I can find better deals elsewhere!!!

  9. I am pissed off too, I will switch to Bell or some other company just out of principle. It is in the middle of the contract,...outrageous

  10. Rogers has a long history of screwing it's customers. What do you do if you don't want ANY text messages? Can you block them? Why should the onus be on us to call them? They have no problem reversing the charges because they know that only every 1 in 100 will call to complain. Look at your bill every month. I want to charge them for the 1 hour every month I spend on the phone with their billing department correcting unauthorized charges!

  11. They called me today to tell me about my plan and then informed me that I am now paying for incoming texts. Something I had not heard about until today. I looked on my service agreement and it says FREE incoming texts I told this to Rogers and they replied that online the terms and conditions states that they are able to change the fees at any time it was the plan that i subscribe to that will not change. this is absolutely crazy. How can they just change things like that?

  12. If you have a free 20mins. Head down to the 7th floor of the court house and file a motion to sue them for false advertizing. They will let you out of your contract for FREE instantly after you serve them.

    BASED ON THIS POST {{{They called me today to tell me about my plan and then informed me that I am now paying for incoming texts. Something I had not heard about until today. I looked on my service agreement and it says FREE incoming texts I told this to Rogers and they replied that online the terms and conditions states that they are able to change the fees at any time it was the plan that i subscribe to that will not change. this is absolutely crazy. How can they just change things like that?}}}

  13. This is the same kind of bullS**t Rogers pull on me with my tv, so i said enough is enough and F rogers and their vile lying employees. I have no kind of service form them now. They charge cable consumers a lot of money for their basic cable package which is about $29.99 without tax, and does basic channel you can ger over the air for FREE, in HD. I bought a Vhf/Uhf transmmiter and a 1080P TV which we were going to hook up to satalite but were dinied by the building managment, so I make a HDTV antenna like the one from this video "" and I'm recieving over 30 chennal in HD and anolog, I even get some US chennal such as Fox 29, CW23, wned, PBS, and about 10 more US channel. If only i have the cure to cure this cancer, (Please support your local cancer research because you never no when your ass might get hit by this unwelcome disease.) call Rogers, and put them out of business for good or until they stop acting like this when people are losing their joba. i'm 99.99999% sure they're not even letting people off their contracts if they lost their jobs, as proof that they care, but, then again these are the type of guys who will step over their mother to gain 15 cents.

  14. I just called them about this and they gave me two options...
    either I pay for incomign txts
    i add a plan
    the third option, which is really an insult is to block txting.
    The worst part is they won't allow you to cancel for free, even though they've changed the agreement. The sad part is, we can't do anything about it because no one is going to spend 1000s of dollars in legal fees. The only thing that would hurt rogers was if 100 or so people gathered up and together sued rogers, then theyd think twice before changing the fees.
